NFL Draft 2025
NFL Draft Hiring Hall
IATSE 470 operates a Hiring Hall to place workers on jobs. We have also established a Hiring Hall specifically for jobs related to NFL Draft events taking place in Green Bay in March and April. We expect a lot of work and will need a lot of people. Draft related events are covered by a separate set of Hiring Halls rules (available below), as well as a separate Dispatch List from our regular dispatch lists for other events.
The NFL Draft Hiring Hall Dispatch will be OPT-IN only. Being part of the regular Dispatch List will not get you on the NFL Draft List. You must OPT-IN to be placed on the NFL Draft List.
Filling out the Draft 2025 Questionnaire is the first step to opting in. This form gives us your necessary contact and skillset information so that we can better draft the Draft together. Use the link below to begin the process.
Once Draft related jobs exist, we will post contact information, info about upcoming events, directions to events, etc. on this page.
NFL Draft Pre-season Playbook
- NFL Draft Questionaire
- NFl Draft Sign off
- Skills test
NFL Draft Game information
- Proposed footprint
- Where to go (more to come)
- Contact:
Safety Resources
Use this as a message board to address messages to other workers. You can make edits in the document below using a desktop browser. Use the arrow in the upper left corner to shrink the sidebar.
On a Mobile device, use This Link to edit in the Google Docs app.
All documents are and remain property of IATSE Local 470, and are for informational purposes only. They may not be published or distributed without the consent of Local 470.